Saturday, January 12, 2008

My 1st blog!!!

okayyyy this is my 1st blog.. erm let me see wat should i write here??? aiks just crapping around.. thats me!! today was sat and its holiday!! actually i should b very hapi coz no skool on sat coz no skool means no need to face those pig in my skool!!! opss wat i mean PIGS hee its certain ppl okay.. dun get misunderstood rite..... lolxx gosh now i'm seriously damn tired coz just came back from work.."actually was 2 hours ago" swt!!! okay as usuall after my shower ate my early dinner den went down to da bus stop for michelle... and today was not as usuall coz today rain dog shit!! "translate in chinese plzzz" i was half body wet b4 i reach da working place okayy dats realli suck.. and actually chris a guy from my working place said he did not work today BUT i saw him!!! curse him for lying on me!! lolzz kinda cruel dere... n i get cut from a stupid f****** broken glasses!!! its really ouchh at 1st!!! haizz nvm den.. still need to continue wit my work.. while i'm goin to finish my work chris came to me.. and said michelle told him something.. when he is about to tell me wat actually michelle told him da bitch came " da bitch i mention is just one of da worker which actually can my senior coz her salary is higher than ME!!" so v stop talking to prevent gettin scold by dat bitch!! and around 11p.m is my time to get salary!!! wohooo!!! i saw michelle den chris came to me and say dat he feel shame when facing michelle??? xcuse me i dun understand y?? but i think michelle has misunderstood abt me n him!!! i hope she getto read this michelle i'm sorry if i did anything to you.. gosh!! i'm talking like i really did something wrong!! swt!!
okayyy i gotta stop here guyss my eyes r begging to close SO gtg bye!!

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